Commercial Real Estate

Gain a Powerful Ally in Your Real Estate Ventures

Gain a Powerful Ally in Your Real Estate Ventures

Let our experienced attorney review your case

Buying and selling commercial properties is complicated. Not only do commercial deals involve a large number of assets, but there are plenty of zoning, land use and leasing laws to consider. Fortunately, you can get legal guidance throughout your transaction when you call on the Law Offices of Wm. Thomas Craig LLC.

From selling or transferring an entire commercial property to leasing out a space to another party, our attorney can help you with all kinds of situations. You worry about the negotiations, we'll take care of the legal details. Arrange for a consultation today.

You can always go through your transaction on your own. But hiring an attorney will make the process easier. Our attorney will...

  • Review contracts to make sure your interests are covered and you aren't taken advantage of
  • Check that your transaction doesn't violate local or state laws so you don't experience unnecessary issues
  • Help solve legal disputes on your behalf so you can complete your transaction as smoothly as possible

Book an appointment with a skilled commercial real estate attorney when you contact us at 770-880-9600.